ทุนรัฐบาลเกาหลีประจำปี 2020 ระดับปริญญาตรี
Korean Government Scholarship Program
โครงการทุนรัฐบาลเกาหลีประจำปี 2020 ระดับปริญญาตรี 2020한국정부초청장학프로그램(GKS) 학부과정 태국지역 장학생 선발 계획 안내]
◈ รายละเอียดการรับสมัครและใบสมัคร
◈ คำถามที่พบบ่อย
•ลูกหลานของทหารผ่านศึกเกาหลีจะได้รับคะแนนเพิ่มอีก5% จากคะแนนทั้งหมด
(Descendants of Korean War veterans will receive additional 5% of the total marks.)
Korean Government Scholarship Program
Application Guidelines for
Undergraduate Degrees
(via Korean Embassies)
- Objectives
The Korean Government Scholarship Program for undergraduate degrees is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for Bachelor-level degrees, which in turn will contribute to promoting the international exchange in education and to deepening the mutual friendship among countries.
- Total Number of Scholars to Be Selected: 125 [from 68 countries]
※ Only those who hold citizenship of the countries below are eligible to apply.
Country | Quota | Country | Quota | Country | Quota | Country | Quota |
Afghanistan | 1 | Equatorial Guinea | 1 | Morocco | 1 | Tajikistan | 2 |
Angola | 1 | Ethiopia | 3 | Mozambique | 1 | Tanzania | 1 |
Azerbaijan | 1 | Fiji | 1 | Myanmar | 3 | Thailand | 3 |
Bangladesh | 1 | Gabon | 1 | Nepal | 1 | Timor-Leste | 2 |
Bhutan | 1 | Ghana | 1 | Nigeria | 1 | Trinidad and Tobago | 1 |
Bolivia | 1 | Guatemala | 1 | Pakistan | 1 | Turkey | 1 |
Brazil | 4 | India | 3 | Panama | 1 | Turkmenistan | 2 |
Bulgaria | 1 | Indonesia | 5 | Paraguay | 1 | Uganda | 2 |
Brunei | 1 | Iran | 2 | Peru | 1 | Ukraine | 3 |
Cambodia | 2 | Japan | 2 | Philippines | 2 | Uruguay | 1 |
Canada | 1 | Jordan | 1 | Poland | 1 | Uzbekistan | 3 |
Chile | 1 | Kazakhstan | 3 | Russia | 3 | Venezuela | 1 |
Colombia | 3 | Kenya | 3 | Rwanda | 1 | Vietnam | 10 |
Congo(DRC) | 1 | Kyrgyzstan | 3 | Senegal | 1 | Yemen | 1 |
Dominican Republic | 1 | Laos | 2 | Singapore | 2 | ||
Ecuador | 1 | Malaysia | 3 | Sudan | 1 | ||
Egypt | 1 | Mexico | 4 | Sri Lanka | 1 | ||
El Salvador | 1 | Mongolia | 4 | Sweden | 2 |
- One placement is reserved for overseas Koreans within each of the highlighted country’s scholarship quota. (e.g., For Brazil, 1 placement is reserved for those of overseas Koreans, and 3 placements are available to general applicants.)
- Academic Programs: Bachelor’s Degree Program (4 years) after preliminary Korean Language Program (1 year)
- Scholars must take the mandatory Korean language training at a language institution that will be designated by NIIED. The institution will be specified in the letter of invitation after the announcement of final successful candidates.
- Scholars must attain a certain level on TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) as required by NIIED before the completion of the one-year Korean language program. Otherwise, scholars are not allowed to proceed to the degree program.
- Scholars with level 5 or 6 on TOPIK will be exempt from the language program and must begin their Bachelor’s degree program from March 2020.
- Scholars who receive TOPIK level 5 or 6 during the first 6 months of the language program may start their degree program in the September 2020.
- Available Universities and Fields of Study : 4-Year Bachelor’s degree programs offered at 63 universities below.
1 | Ajou University | 18 | Hallym University | 35 | Kookmin University | 52 | Sogang University |
2 | Andong National University | 19 | Handong Global University | 36 | Korea Polytechnic University | 53 | Sookmyung Women’s University |
3 | Busan University of Foreign Studies | 20 | Hannam University | 37 | Korea University | 54 | Soonchunhyang University |
4 | Chonbuk National University | 21 | Hanseo University | 38 | Kumoh National Institute of Tech | 55 | Soongsil University |
5 | Chonnam National University | 22 | Hanyang University | 39 | Kyung Hee University | 56 | Sungkyunkwan University |
6 | Chosun University | 23 | Hoseo University | 40 | Kyungpook National University | 57 | Sunmoon University |
7 | Chung-Ang University | 24 | Incheon National University | 41 | Kyungsung University | 58 | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Tech (UNIST) |
8 | Chungbuk National University | 25 | Inha University | 42 | Myongji University | 59 | University of Seoul |
9 | Chungnam National University | 26 | Inje University | 43 | Namseoul University | 60 | University of Ulsan |
10 | Daegu University | 27 | Jeju National University | 44 | Pai Chai University | 61 | Woosuk University |
11 | Daejeon University | 28 | Jeonju University | 45 | Pukyong National University | 62 | Yeungnam University |
12 | Dankook University | 29 | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | 46 | Pusan National University | 63 | Yonsei University |
13 | Dong-A University | 30 | Kangwon National University | 47 | Sangmyung University | ||
14 | Dongguk University (Gyeongju) | 31 | Keimyung University | 48 | Semyung University | ||
15 | Dongguk University (Seoul) | 32 | Kongju National University | 49 | Seoul National University | ||
16 | Dongseo University | 33 | Konkuk University | 50 | Seoul National University of Science and Technology | ||
17 | Ewha Womans University | 34 | Konyang University | 51 | Silla University |
- Attention! Any degree program which takes more than 4 years to complete is NOT AVAILABLE under this scholarship program. All applicants cannot choose such degree programs (Examples: medicine, dentistry, architecture, and pharmacy)
- For more details on the available fields and majors, refer to the “University Information” file that is available to access in the GKS Notice board, on the Study in Korea website (studyinkorea.go.kr). All applicants must choose a major listed on the “University Information”.
- Qualifications: Prospective applicants must meet all of the following conditions.
(1) CITIZENSHIP: An applicant and his or her parents must be citizens of one the countries listed on the above chart in #2 of this guideline.
- Attention! Neither the applicant nor the parents should hold the Korean citizenship.
(Exception: For overseas Korean applicants holding Japanese citizenship, if their parents hold ‘Permanent Residency Permit’ within Japan while holding Korean citizenship, are eligible to apply.)
- Applicants and their parents who had previously held Korean citizenship must submit the document that proves their renunciation of Korean citizenship.
(2) AGE: An applicant must be under age 25 as of March 1, 2020 (Should be born after March, 1, 1995).
(3) HEALTH: An applicant must be in good health, both physically and mentally.
- Those with disabilities, but in good mental and physical health, are eligible to apply.
- Those with severe illness are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
(4) LEVEL OF EDUCATION: An applicant must have graduated or be expected to graduate from a high school as of March 1, 2020
- Those who have already achieved a Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
- Those who have graduated or are expected to graduate from a high school in Korea are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
(5) GRADES: An applicant must maintain the overall grade point average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the followings:
- 64 on a 4.0 scale;
- 80 on a 4.3 scale;
- 91 on a 4.5 scale;
- 23 on a 5.0 scale; or
- Score: 80 points or above on a 100 point scale or be ranked within the top 20% throughout the entire high school period.[see Appendix 3]
- If an applicant’s high school has an evaluation system different from the above scales, see 7-(2)-⑨.
(6) An applicant should never have been awarded with any scholarship programs from Korea for an undergraduate degree program.
(7) An applicant must have no limitations in travelling abroad
(8) Applicants who have proficiency in the Korean or English language will be given preference.
(9) Descendants of the Korean War veterans will be given preference.
(10) Engineering and Science majors will be given preference.
(11) Applicants from low income families or underprivileged backgrounds will be given preference.
(12) Applicants who are confirmed to be ‘third generation’ overseas Koreans will be given preference.
(13) An applicant is restricted to apply either for the Embassy, the Regional University, or the Associate Degree track.
- Applicants who apply for more than one track will be automatically disqualified and their applications will be eliminated.
- Scholarship Benefits
- Scholarship Period: March 1, 2020 ~ February 28, 2025 (1-year Language + 4-year Degree Program)
- Scholarship Benefits
- Airplane Ticket or Airfare: The scholarship covers an economy class flight with the shortest route between a scholar’s country and Korea. A one-way ticket to Korea will be offered to each scholar at the beginning of the scholarship program; another one-way ticket from Korea will be offered for those who complete their studies under the scholarship program.
- Monthly Stipend: 900,000 KRW per month
- Tuition: The university entrance fee and tuition fee is covered by NIIED and the host university.
- Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW upon arrival
- Scholarship Completion Grants: 100,000 KRW upon completion of studies only for scholars returning back to their countries
- Korean Language Training: The full cost for the 1 year is covered by NIIED and the language institution.
- Medical Insurance: Scholars are covered by health insurance for major accidents and illnesses during their scholarship period.
- Korean Proficiency Grants: Scholars with level 5 or 6 on TOPIK will receive 100,000 KRW won per month during the degree program.